English 134: Milton
Professor Shuger
Pages 86 - 93 94 - 102 63 Handout 2 11 - 15 15 - 19 20 -51 54 - 60 www 61 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 72 73 - 74 74 75 76 - 85 51 - 53 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 - 111 112 113 114 - 115 116 117 118 - 119 120 121 Book |
Text Prolusion I Prolusion VII "How Soon Hath Time" "On Shakesepare" "The Morning of Christ's Nativity" "L'Allegro" "Il Pensoroso" Comus Lycidas Areopagitica Sonnet I Sonnet VIII Sonnet IX Sonnet XIII Sonnet XIV Sonnet XV Sonnet XIX Sonnet XVI Sonnet XXII Sonnet XX Sonnet XXI Sonnet XXIII GLOSSARY "Epitaph" Vergil Eclogues Marlowe's Sheepheard Corbett's ballad illusio/Augustine Lycidas notes Ovid, Amores St Matthew 25, 4-21 Genesis Homer, Iliad, Book I2 Homer, Odyssey, Book I Genesis 18, 19 Psalms 84-88 Vergil, Aenid Lucretius, De Natura Rerum, Book 4 Book of Judges Freud/Calvin Paradise Lost |
Lecture January 12 January 12 January 12 January 12 January 19 January 24 January 24 January 26 January 31 February 2 February 7 February 7 February 7 February 7 February 7 February 7 February 14 February 14 February 14 February 14 February 14 February 14 supplement in class in class in class in class in class in class in class in class in class in class in class in class in class in class in class in class in class February 16 |