hypnagogically dreaming off the last colors seen
shapes change into figurines and I don't know what it means
or what they will be, come, tell, O Rosabella Thumbalina
Scarlet Maybelline

why the masque around the eyes?
of strange shape and size
it's the night's light seeping
through your pale lids

sudden and overwhelming
this nervous reality

. . . . . . . Dream? Is it a dream?
. . . . . . . What difference does it make or mean,
. . . . . . . If it's only a dream? It is the dream which we are,

sudden and overwhelming
this nervous reality.

tribute to Delmore Schwartz,
In Dreams Begin Responsibilities

Drunkard . . . Reek Of Life . . . Horsegums . . . Picaroon Circus . . . Visions Before Slumber . . .
Crossing The River . . . Bluestones . . . From Theo . . . Chase . . . Sunflowers . . . Last Year . . .

. . .

Copyright © 1989 by Louise Bialik and 17 Pygmies. Used with permission of Mothra Music. All rights reserved. No part of this lyric may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the publisher.